• laura bernardeschi

    i am an Italian artist living [part of my life in london and part in Wiltshire 
    I have always art 
    Since i have arrived in Uk , i have started to work as life model in prestigious in stitutes of art as life model 
    this work has brought me to start to paint on my canvas 
    Firstly i used water colors, but i like bright colors 
    So i decided to use acrylucs colors 
    now this passion is my main work 
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  • art 
    in Italian art 
    Influenced by the art of Picasso and Van Gogh 
  • bachelor degree with honor in foreing languages 
  • exhibitions : 
    - Open studios in Ealing / London 2018
    - Open studios in Swindon  2018
    - exbition in Brunei Gallery / Swindon 
    - exhibiton in mami galeery / Swindon 
    future exhibitions : 
    -  Art fair in Mecca theatre /Swindon 
    - Art open ealing /London 
  • exhibitions : 
    - Open studios in Ealing / London 2018
    - Open studios in Swindon  2018
    - exbition in Brunei Gallery / Swindon 
    - exhibiton in mami galeery / Swindon 
    future exhibitions : 
    -  Art fair in Mecca theatre /Swindon 
    - Art open ealing /London