I live and work in Florence, Italy. I'm a painter always interested in art as communication. he finished his studies in Spain. In my paintings I try to evoke the feelings I receive and the memories of each of the subjects, through the colors and shapes.
    Questioning myself every day, making mistakes and trying new paths, I believe in human innocence; everyone owns an inner beauty which deserves to be recognized and appreciated; art is the best expression of the human being and an universal language that breaks all the possible barriers. 
    I love to paint people I encounter during my day life, people I know for a while or just for a few  moments. I try to evocate in my works the feelings I receive and the memory of each of my subjects, through the colors and shapes.
    I love what i do and especially because for me Art in general is the best expression of the human being and an universal language that breaks all the possible barriers captivating the eye by transforming the clear into a blur and the fixed into a movement is an active ingredient in my research. I paint in a very instinctive way, following the example of the expressionists who fascinate me. Through the colours, brush strokes, composition, background and rhythm of the painting, I attempt to create works which truly represent bodies in a space without distortion. Without having a clear idea of the final result, I stop my work before it seems finished. The moment where little is enough to suggest the stucture interests me, leaving the spectator's imagination open at the moment the scene is starting to appear. Knowing when to stop before saying too much is what I tried to do.
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  • Painting: oil, acrilyc, watercolour 
  • Fine arts degree
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