L-Gallery is a gallery opened on the basis of existing agencies and various exhibitions. It focuses on the art that can be enjoyed from the trend of the existing gallery, and introduces the works of young artists in Korea based on this. Today, it is trying to get away from the space of the gallery and come up with alternatives to approach the daily life of the arts and the masses, and is actively introducing the artistic stories of modern artists to the public kindly
    • 47031
    • 6
  • Contemporary Art Gallery
    Art Consulting / Exhibition Planning / Art Fair
    Artist Lineup
    Ham Mina / Jeon ByungTaek
    Kang Deok-hyeon / Kim Kwan-Young
    Moon SeungYeon / Song Yong-Won
    Won EunHee
  • ..
  • ArtFair
    2018.06.22-06.25    BAMA 2018
    2018.03.24-03.26    HongKong Asia Contemporary Art Show
    2018.02.01-02.18    50-50 Gift Exhibition
    2016.09.02-09.20    홍민호 개인전 Hong Minho Solo Exhibition -Gravitu of Memories- 
    2016.07.01-07.14    신대준 개인전 Shin Daejun Solo Exhibition -Time to Stay-
    2016.06.17-06.30    문승연개인전 Moon Seungyeon Exhibition -STAY- 
    2016.04.01~04.14   신영훈,조민기 Shin YoungHun, Jo MInGi  -조선의 2인자들
    2015.12.05~12.17   배종훈 개인전 Bae Jonghun Solo Exhibiton -그리운 것이 많을 수록 시간은 더디게 흐른다-
    2015.09.18~10.02   Temporary Exhibition -EYES- 
  • ArtFair
    2018.06.22-06.25    BAMA 2018
    2018.03.24-03.26    HongKong Asia Contemporary Art Show
    2018.02.01-02.18    50-50 Gift Exhibition
    2016.09.02-09.20    홍민호 개인전 Hong Minho Solo Exhibition -Gravitu of Memories- 
    2016.07.01-07.14    신대준 개인전 Shin Daejun Solo Exhibition -Time to Stay-
    2016.06.17-06.30    문승연개인전 Moon Seungyeon Exhibition -STAY- 
    2016.04.01~04.14   신영훈,조민기 Shin YoungHun, Jo MInGi  -조선의 2인자들
    2015.12.05~12.17   배종훈 개인전 Bae Jonghun Solo Exhibiton -그리운 것이 많을 수록 시간은 더디게 흐른다-
    2015.09.18~10.02   Temporary Exhibition -EYES-